Jasmine absolute

From the flowers of Jasminum grandiflorum.


Ingredients: jasminum grandiflorum flower extract (100% pure jasmine absolute).

Origin: Egypt.

Certificate: COSMOS APPROVED “Ecocert raw materials” (ecological and natural cosmetics), IFS 6.0 (food quality and safety), GMP+ B1 (animal feed safety), FSSC 22000 (food product safety), MyClimate (100% sustainability, environmentally neutral production process) .

Common Method Of Extraction: absolute is obtained by extraction from the flowers of Jasminum grandiflorum.

Aroma: floral, exotic, sweet, with a subtle note of ambergris and fresh grass.

One of the favorite aromas in perfumery. Jasmine absolute has a very expressive refined floral aroma, which is used in aromatic compositions not only as the main note of the heart, but also as a background to other aromas. Even a small (only 0.2%) amount of jasmine absolute in the compositions wonderfully combines the scents and is humming on a velvety background, giving the aroma volume and completeness.

Jasmine absolute is used in cosmetics, its effect on the skin is rejuvenating, softening and smoothing [1]. Used for irritated skin, inflammation, stretch marks and scars [2]. This oil refreshes and helps restore the texture and natural color of damaged skin. But this oil should be used carefully, checking whether it does not cause an individual allergic reaction, the maximum recommended amount is 0.4%.

The aroma of jasmine is highly valued in aromatherapy, it is considered that it provides a calm, conducive environment for relaxation and creativity, lifts the mood, gives light euphoria and is an excellent aphrodisiac. Helps to overcome depression and stress.

✓ for skin care – mix 2-3 drops of jasmine absolute with 10 g of the base (e.g. base oil – rosehip, kiwi seed, jojoba, etc.)
✓ for face masks – mix 3 tea. teaspoons of clay, 3 tea. teaspoons of water and 1-2 drops of absolute until you get a fairly thick paste. Apply to the skin and leave for 10-15 minutes. Do not allow to dry completely. Then rinse with warm water.
✓ baths – mix 3-4 drops of absolute with 1 tablespoon of milk, honey, sea or table salt, add to a full bath of water. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes.
✓ essential oils can be vaporized in a vaporizer or aroma lamps.

Precautions: do not use in case of individual intolerance and children’s skin care. Do not use pure absolute on the skin. Before use, it is necessary to check whether the oil inhaled or applied to the skin will not cause an individual allergic reaction!

Analytical quality control:

Quality control Jasmine absolute (GCMS analysis)
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